btw...haf u guys ever experiencing dis kind of ppl in ur life before? dos ppl are the ppl dat seems to know everything. smart Alex is so frustrationg at times. just feel like making my own version of FINAL DESTINATION and include them in it. Where i will speak to them when they are dead on the ground " Didnt u c dis coming?U ASS HOLE"muahhahahaha......
dats how frustrated i am...hahaha...i try my best to humble and not speak up dat much when i know certain stuffs as i dont wanna be seen as the know-it-all guy....hahaha...but sometimes in life...dis kind of know-it-all ppl do exist, and its DAMN ARGH!
oh yeah! recently, i almost went to LAOS!! almost...but due to financial probs...i cant...damnit...n my sis has to even make it worse! toot her....dun haf money say dont haf money lah...NBCCB!
firstly she said she'll support me maybe around $100 to $250...the overall price is $650. Then after all the problems dat she made out of it, she den decides to help me pay full! by then my mom got soo frustrated n told me not to accept it.! it's hard having siblings hu r just so stucked up! i am sure they'll fall right back to the ground, one of dis daes, HARD! dat will b d tyme when they know hu will support them n hu wont.
hahahaha.......k mad to continue...trying to laugh like a mad man so dat i wont bring dis fucking anger around and getting ppl pissed off at me. muahahaha....laugh rizal laugh rizal!!!!
rizal signing out!!!